Life After Lewis
“I don’t know where I’d be today without The Lewis School. Being there taught me to work hard and to value and respect learning differences. I discovered that seeing and learning things differently gave me a unique perspective that is vital not only in my career but also in my life.”

Fred Beer
- Recognized as a “visionary entrepreneur” by the Rochester Business Journal
- President, ITX Corp.
- Co-founder and Chairman of the Board at Potential Point, LLC
- CEO and co-founder of Auragen Communications, Inc./Catalyst Direct
- Board Member of the Junior Achievement of Rochester
- Creative Problem Solving Institute, Certified Facilitator
- Completed the MIT Entrepreneurial Masters Program
- Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, 1995
“Lewis School was amazingly supportive in building back that confidence that got crushed from me. Lewis and my parents provided the support for me to know that I could be successful. Lewis taught me, with my parents support, that I had great strengths and if I focused on my strengths I could adapt for my weaknesses. It didn’t matter that I was a really slow reader – I developed great skills at listening in class and taking notes. I learned how to work hard and get good grades. These skills have stayed with me to today.“
– Fred Beer

Fred Beer
University of Rochester
Class of 1995
Lewis School Alumna, 1984