Health Update
We currently follow the Princeton Public Schools Health Protocols 2023-2024.
To prevent the spread of all illnesses, it is critical that students, faculty, and staff
1. Stay home when symptomatic.
2. Get tested and contact your healthcare provider as needed.
3. Students, faculty, and staff experiencing the following symptoms need to stay home until the symptoms are completely resolved.
- Cough
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- New loss of taste or smell
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Runny nose
4. Any student or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 will need to mask days 6 through day 10, when returning to school after the 5-day isolation period ends.
5. If symptoms resolve, the student, faculty or staff may return on Day 6, wearing a mask on days 6 through day 10.
6. If a student, faculty, or staff is unwilling to mask on days 6 through day 10, they must stay home and return on day 11.